Current Engagements

The list below contains the companies we currently have in the market. Contact us for more information on the companies that are of interest to you. If you are looking for a certain type of company that is not listed, please call us. We may be able to help you find the right opportunity through our network of contacts. Let’s talk 214.706.9371.

Sell-Side Opportunity:




Rental equipment company servicing construction and oilfield completions and production services in the Midwestern U.S. The company does not pursue oilfield exploration services due to the sector’s adverse cyclicality. $10.6mm/$4.8mm Sale or
Equity Partner
Max Dillard
Stuart Hayashi
Bulk transport: Iron ore, lime and frac sand trucking and logisitics company serving Texas and Oklahoma. $–/$– Sale or
Equity Partner
Max Dillard
Stuart Hayashi
Buy-Side Opportunity: Medical/Healthcare




California-based sleep care management company focused on screening, diagnosis, treatment and ongoing care of obstructive sleep apnea is looking to acquire non-Medicare DME OSA patients. $–/$– Acquisition of DMEs Stuart Hayashi